Indego Bike Share App
For 8 weeks during the summer in 2018, I attended The New York Code + Design Academy’s UXUI 101 course. In the course we learned the necessary process to create an innovative user experience. We covered information architecture, user personas, usability testing, user scenarios, wireframing, prototyping, interaction design, and interface design. The final project in the class was to practice the UX process by creating a mobile app.

The Client
Current and future users of the Indego bike share app.
The Problem
The current app is a map of where bikes and/or docks are located in order to pick up or drop off a bike. It points you to other websites for tracking distances or suggested routes. If you're traveling on a Indego bike to a docking station there is no way of know there will be a dock once you arrive.
The Solution
Safest bike routes (directions)
Tracking miles/calories
Dock availability notifications based on your history
Waze notifications - watch out for the pothole on 7th street & south street (addition of phone holder on the bikes)
Reserve a bike/dock
Persona - Julie, 42, Sales Rep, Philly
Yearly Subscriber/Commuter by Indego
Goal - Plan her alt route
Uses Indego bikes for the following reasons:
• Weekly Commuter/Peak Commuting times
• Always running late/rushing
• Possibly using in bad weather
Julie wants to get to an off-site fast. She has a big meeting first thing in the morning with a big client. There is an event going on in the city making it a heavy traffic day. She needs to plan her route because it’s not one that she travels everyday. She wants to make sure there are docks where she’s headed. As long as she plans ahead she can take a bike and stick to her plan to get a little exercise since she’ll be sitting in meetings all day.

Persona - Bryan, 36, Police officer, NJ
Tourist / occasional user of Indego
Goal - Plan to hang with friends during Philly Free streets and check out the area.
Follows rules. Only downloads the app for the time he needs it and deletes it. vTech savvy. Travels in a group.
Uses Indego bikes for the following reasons:
• Using infrequently and not consistently
• Exploring the city
• Longer rides
• Not knowing best routes
• Fair weather
He has to see who’s planning to join them. How many and if they find bike for everyone interested in riding around. Everyone else in for the event will have the same idea so they’ll have to pick up bikes a distance before they get to the event. Will probably just use the day pass and hope they can dock after 30 min and still be able to use the bikes after.